Lenovo's sub-brand Motorola launched the Moto C in India at Rs 5,999. However, the company announced a new variant of the device in the country. The smartphone is available via offline stores across 100 cities in India.
In terms of specifications, the new variant of the Moto C sports a 5-inch FWVGA display with 480x854 pixels resolution. The smartphone runs on Android N operating system, and is powered by a 1.1GHz MediaTek MT6737M quad-core Cortex-A53 SoC coupled with 1GB of RAM. On the storage front, the Moto C model comes with 16GB of internal storage, which can be further expandable up to 32GB via microSD card.
Further the smartphone is backed by a non-removable a 2350mAh battery, and also comes with capacitive navigation buttons. The 3.5mm audio jack sits on the top of the Moto C, and also supports micro-USB port.
Moto C in India is launched in two colour variants -- metallic cherry and fine gold at a price tag of Rs 5,999. The smartphone is already available across the offline stores in the country. In the coming days it could be available on online channels as well.
Design wise the Moto C Plus looks very similar to that of the Moto C. The smartphone sports a 5-inch (720x1280 pixels) display and runs on Android 7.0 Nougat operating system. Further, Moto C is powered by a 1.3GHz MediaTek MT6737 quad-core Cortex-A53 processor and comes packed with 2GB of RAM. Storage wise, Moto C comes with 16GB memory. On the camera front, the smartphone comes with 8-megapixel camera sensors on the rear panel which comes coupled with f/2.2 aperture, autofocus, a LED flash and more. Moto C is backed by a much-improved battery when compared to the Moto C. Moto C Plus is backed by 4000mAh battery.
Moto C was announced in two variants, wherein one comes with a 3G connection at ₹6,200 and the second variant comes with 4G option, which is priced at ₹6,900. However, in India Motorola announces a whole new variant with 1GB RAM, 16GB inbuilt storage, 4G VoLTE support, and dual-SIM slots.
In terms of specifications, the new variant of the Moto C sports a 5-inch FWVGA display with 480x854 pixels resolution. The smartphone runs on Android N operating system, and is powered by a 1.1GHz MediaTek MT6737M quad-core Cortex-A53 SoC coupled with 1GB of RAM. On the storage front, the Moto C model comes with 16GB of internal storage, which can be further expandable up to 32GB via microSD card.
On the camera front, the Motorola smartphone comes packed with a 5-megapixel rear sensor and 2-megapixel front facing camera. The primary camera is paired with options like -- 1.4-micron pixels, 74-degree field of view, fixed focus, an LED flash, and 720p video recording. While the selfie snapper comes coupled with -micron pixels, a 63-degree field of view, fixed focus, and an LED flash.
Moto C in India is launched in two colour variants -- metallic cherry and fine gold at a price tag of Rs 5,999. The smartphone is already available across the offline stores in the country. In the coming days it could be available on online channels as well.
Alongside the Moto C, Moto C Plus was also launched. In terms of specifications both the Motorola smartphones have quite a number of similarities. Both Moto C and Moto C Plus are running on Android Nougat operating system. While there are certain similarities, there are differences between as well.
Design wise the Moto C Plus looks very similar to that of the Moto C. The smartphone sports a 5-inch (720x1280 pixels) display and runs on Android 7.0 Nougat operating system. Further, Moto C is powered by a 1.3GHz MediaTek MT6737 quad-core Cortex-A53 processor and comes packed with 2GB of RAM. Storage wise, Moto C comes with 16GB memory. On the camera front, the smartphone comes with 8-megapixel camera sensors on the rear panel which comes coupled with f/2.2 aperture, autofocus, a LED flash and more. Moto C is backed by a much-improved battery when compared to the Moto C. Moto C Plus is backed by 4000mAh battery.
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